The Rotary Club of Truro is hosting a special reception in the private dining room at the Best Western Truro - Glengarry on Monday October 23, 2017 from 5-6:30 pm.
This informal event will give you an opportunity to meet some members of the Rotary Club of Truro and learn more about Rotary and the good work being done in our community. It is also an opportunity to meet the District Governor Don Sword and his wife Pat and hear about the work of Rotary around the region and the across the world. They will also help us celebrate World Polio Day on Oct 24th.
All are welcome to this special evening. There is no admission and light snacks will be provided. Bring a friend and find out what it means to be a Rotarian.
Spread the word by sharing our Facebook Event post at Think of someone who would make a good Rotarian and bring them to the meeting.